Friday, September 9, 2022

Summer Inspiration

Vizlen Monochrome 

This summer  season, if you’re looking for stylish summer clothing  for your Florida, Akosombo,Ada ,Brighton and Dubai Resorts , Vizlen  provides lots of  exciting inspiration. 

Royal Summer Print Outfit 

For advice on what to wear to withstand the fiercest heat waves and the more pleasurable balmy summer days, look to this Vizlen’s unique  ensemble. Nevertheless, these outfits are tailored to provide maximum comfort and endless pleasures adding an idyllic presence to your location photos .

Summer attire ought to be simple but classic . Instead of worrying about an overly elaborate clothing, spend your time organizing outdoor activities and taking advantage of the nice weather. The easiest way to simplify dressing in the sweltering heat is to choose one the best summer dresses from our  Vizlen collection .

There are a few things you should think about when choosing your ideal summer outfit. Material comes first and foremost . For warmer weather, natural, lightweight materials work best. According  to Ernest Fianko ,CEO of Vizlen expressed that  dresses  designed are with the best of materials suitable for every season and culture integrating uniqueness and beauty .The CEO explained that the Vizlen utilises  the finest garments and materials to create  look exquisite styles for clients preferences.

The adaptability Vizlen clothing  is an additional consideration. If comfort is your priority, buy in a style that, depending on how you style it, can be worn for both a casual day at the beach and a more formal event.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

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The Vizlen fashion blog offers exciting and trending topics on fashion and style . Bringing you exciting content for your day to day actions  . Join this interactive space for more exciting tips and updates from Vizlen.

Monday, July 18, 2022

The Vizlen Story : Exclusive time with CEO


In a world of diversity and global awakening , a new brand anchored on providing unique style and world class designs tailored to fit the needs and expectations of all. Vizlen is woven in the very fabrics of creativity, reality and  quality . This story of excellence begins from a sketch which won the admiration of many to the motivations that birthed a new global brand into reality .

CEO of Vizlen,  Mr Ernest Fianko  in an interview revealed that the brand was birthed with a true reflection of “ Imagination, Creativity , Hardwork & Success”. From a unique perspective coming from the creative sketches that birth a resilient achieving spirit in him to build an empire that gives opportunity to many young ones through fashion .

Mr Ernest Fianko spent his  early childhood and teenage years in Accra, Ghana and later moved to the United States of America with his family where he completed High School in Pennsylvania. He is currently majoring in Business Administration in the University and works with a Pharmaceutical Company.The CEO is motivated by the creativity of stylish clothing saying that it was such creativity in the sense of styling and designing that made him explore this venture .

He explained that the  brand has two collections of clothes which include active wear and a fashion clothing line. He visions the brand to be of best quality when it comes to the active wear collections and fashion as well as attaining a renowned global status. Like every great business , Ernest recalled how he began working remotely  on his sketches living with his family. He engaged in extensive research to identify manufacturers, searching for illustrators to get technical sheets for design and others taking him six years to  finally embark on this great project . 

Great stories are inspired by unique experiences, it was certainly one of the most intimate and beautiful connection that shaped out the designer’s inspiration to go full scale  with his unique talents . The CEO recounted that the zeal to move into a full scale business sparked when he sketched a dress for his mother on Mother’s Day. 

“she was impressed with the design and detailing although it was nothing but a mere sketch for me, her eagerness to have my design become a reality sparked my motivation” he says . It was this experience that led to the new beginning of Vizlen 

The brand name was carved out of two unique words with  Vizlen standing for  ‘Victory’  . Ernest mentioned that he got the name out of two different words ‘splendid and victory’ hence Viz-len.

Mr Fianko is motivated by his Past experiences which encourages him to defy odds and build his brand. He adds that the project he is Undertaking marks a successful era in the fashion world making this period  “one of my most successful phases in life” he says .

With the staggering rate of inflation at global market , the brand is poised at delivering services to its customers without being significantly affected by the inflation rate. 

The clothing brand as a matter of inclusiveness is working hard to tailor needs that fit all persons and cultural needs across the world.

In the next 10 years , the brand hopes to achieve a global recognition progressing buying territories and becoming a household name across many nations .

As part of marketing efforts ,the brand  plans on offering customer discounts and promotions as well as  building referral-generating activities into the sales. 

The CEO  stated that “Our brand embraces culture, the designs are not only creatively futuristic and timeless, it most importantly communicates inclusivity putting our customer needs first with an example being are gender fluid designs”. 

The brand embodies  Unity, togetherness creation of string bonds and tailored around diversity and inclusion . He mentioned that just like how different cultures have their uniqueness and beauty, Vizlen’s designs adopt the best of fashion expectations and experiences not  just by use of the finest garments and materials but also for customers to look exquisite and spiffy in style.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

An exclusive interview with the CEO of Vizlen

CEO ,Vizlen

In a world of diversity and global awakening , a new brand anchored on providing unique style and world class designs tailored to fit the needs and expectations of all. Vizlen is woven in the very fabrics of creativity, reality and quality .

This story of excellence begins from a sketch which won the admiration of many to the motivations that birthed a new global brand into reality .

The CEO in an interview reveals a true reflection of “ Imagination, Creativity , Hardwork & Success”. From a unique perspective coming from the creative sketches that birth a resilient achieving spirit in him to build an empire that gives opportunity to many young ones through fashion .


Question: For those who do not know what your clothing line is about, kindly brief us on what your brand is about and your target audience?

Vizlen: Our brand has two collections of clothes an active wear and a fashion clothing line.

I want the brand to be of the best quality when it comes to the active wear collections and fashion. To be a renowned global brand with Vizlen being a household name.

Question: How long did it take you to start project ?

Vizlen : I was silently working on this while I was still living with my family, doing research on finding manufactures, how I can get an illustrator to get me the technical sheets for my designs, it took me in about 6 years to start this.

Question: What was the inspiration to start the line ?

Vizlen : I sketched a dress for my mom on mother’s day and she was impressed with the design and detailing.Although it was nothing but a mere sketch for me, her eagerness to have my design become a reality sparked my motivation. I thought she was just trying to make me feel good and creative as any mother would. Upon seeking the view of random people on the design the feedbacks were positive. From that moment on, I decided to work on my own brand, learning from other brands and sketching out several designs.

Question: Names have unique stories , any special reason why you decided on Vizlen for your brand name?

Vizlen: The name Vizlen stands for ‘Victory’ for me, I got the name out of two different words ‘splendid and victory’ hence Viz-len.

Past experiences and my will to keep pushing is what motivates me when it comes to Vizlen, it’s like the birth of a successful era.It marks one of my most successful phases in life.

Question:So far how has the reception been ?

Vizlen: It has been great so far although not fully launched I have received positive feedbacks based on few post on social media specifically instagram. The designs have gained the admiration of many who wish to purchase as soon as it’s officially launched.

Question: How are you financing the project ?

Vizlen: Vizlen is a sole proprietary venture and as such it’s financed out of my income savings. The probability of having investors on board however is still something that I am working on but for now I cover every financial input.

Question: Is the rising inflation and prices of a lot of goods going to affect your pricing?

Vizlen:No it won’t have an effect for now but as inflation rises there’s a possibility the prices of quality materials and production cost might increase and with that there would be a minimal rise in prices. For now, it doesn’t affect the cost of a Vizlen apparel.

Question: Are you looking at expanding this in years to come?

Vizlen : Yes, my team and I are working hard to introduce new designs and products every year and subsequently reaching the global market.
Different cultures have acceptable clothings and as we plan on inclusivity we plan on presenting Vizlen in a way that suits each country we expand to. That’s the difference we bringing on board.

Question: Where do you see this in the next 10 years? 

Vizlen: In the next ten years I see progress beyond our territory and as stated early on Vizlen being a household name.

Question : Tell us why people should patronise your brand ?

Vizlen: We plan on offering our customer discounts and promotions, we will build referral-generating activities into the sales. However, if you seek quality, affordability and style then Vizlen should be your number choice.

Question: What makes your brand unique and distinct?

Vizlen: Our brand embraces culture, the designs are not only creatively futuristic and timeless, it most importantly communicates inclusivity putting our customer needs first with an example being are gender fluid designs.
At Vizlen it’s all about Unity, together we can build and together we are strong.
Just like how different cultures have their uniqueness and beauty, we want our designs emulate such. Not just by use of the finest garments and materials but for our customers to look exquisite and spiffy in style.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Fashion & Confidence

Vizlen brings out the best in you !

Fashion has a powerful way of boosting one’s self-confidence. Knowing your style, the colors you look best in, and the pieces that radiate your personality and lifestyle can create a unique ensemble that will leave you placid and fearless no matter the occasion. 

Fashion transforms your self-perception. Before others can perceive and treat you a certain way, you first perceive and treat yourself the way you deserve. And oh, how well you deserve to look and feel good about yourself! This all begins with loving and accepting yourself without reservations. It’s making the choice to declutter your life and leaving only that which helps you to grow happier and more confident - your clothing preferences included.

It’s an essential part of the confidence equation for what else could subtly communicate our identity and representations but our profound sense of fashion? So here are a few tips to get that confidence boost through fashion started: 

  • Get fashionable on a budget

You don’t have to break the bank to be fashionable. Don’t buy a dress sold at an unreasonable price just because your friend owns one. Your sense of fashion begins the moment you embrace your individuality and uniqueness. Get inspired by but don’t just imitate others. Discover your own style even if it goes against the grain, and work around your budget to build a wardrobe that’ll leave you satisfied. 

  • Comfort is confidence

Style just doesn't seem to work without comfort. Choose apparel and accessories that are designed not just for beauty but functionality. When it comes to fashion, you don’t have to step out of your comfort zone. Comfortably is confidence! Choose what suits you, the weather, or the occasion so you’re cool, cozy and in absolute style. 

  • Don’t let insecurities get in the way

Remember that feeling good and staying confident begins with self-love and acceptance. Don’t create boundaries around your fashion goals. Whatever your body type is - you are beautiful in every way. Embody your identity and who or what you represent. Know what you want  - that personal true style of yours - and wear it! 

  • Contact an expert for direction

If you’ve only just started on this exciting fashion journey and are working your way through that confidence boost, the process could be a physical or emotional battle. An expert in the fashion industry can empower you to build that creativity in your selections so you finally gain an undisturbed self-confidence in all that you do. 

Source : Bridget Battle

Summer Inspiration

Vizlen Monochrome  This summer  season, if you’re looking for stylish summer clothing  for your Florida, Akosombo,Ada ,Brighton and Dubai Re...